Chaupal Gramin Vikas Prashikshan Evam Shodh Sansthan


Current Projects

Sl. Title Location Funder
1 High Impact Mega watershed Project in Chhattisgarh 72 village of 2 blocks of Surguja district. Bharat Rural Livelihood Foundation (BRLF)
2 Strengthening Local governance mechanisms and institutionalising access of tribal communities to right to food and work, forest rights and other entitlements in Chhattisgarh. 80 Villages of 6 blocks of Surguja and Koriya districts Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI)
3 Improved Status of health and nutrition of tribal and disadvantaged families. 40 villages of Lakhanpur and Lundra block, Surguja district Terre Des Hommes
Past Projects
  • Institutionalizing access of the poor to food & health entitlement in tribal region of Chhattisgarh-Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Mumbai
  • Addressing the exclusion of disabled people and people living with HIV and AIDS from mainstream development and decision making - India- VSO
  • Right to food and livelihood security of tribal communities in district surguja- Broederlijk Delen
  • Well being, Poverty and pathways – Research Project- University of Bath
  • Indigenous rights and culture in Adivasi forest communities- Ajwam
  •  Organising tribal communities especially the persons with disability to access nutrition and NREGS entitlements- DFID (PACS)
  • Strengthening Local Organisations of Tribal People to Secure Health, Education and Nutrition Rights of Children in Chhattisgarh, India- BMZ through TDH
  • Action on Malnutrition: A Multi-Strategy Intervention in Eight Blocks of Four States. (Improving Maternal, Newborn & Child Health And Nutrition Through System Strengthening, Community Mobilization And Crèches)-JRD Tata Trust
  • Extension of SRI Promotion in the poverty region of Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Assam with Small Farmers- Pradan / Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Mumbai
  • Enabling Tribal Community to bring harmony through promotion-ICCO Kerk in Actie
  • Enabling tribal communities to attain sustainable improvements in functioning, quality and coverage of food and health entitlements-Paul Hamlyn Foundation, UK
  • Organising tribal communities especially the person with desability to access Nutrition and NREGS & FRA entitlements-DFID (PACS)
  • Transparency and accountability with mobile phones- ICCO Kerk in Actie
  • Programme for child Nutriton And Dietary for Adivasi Community In Chhattisgarh, India-BMZ through TDH
  • Providing solar energy to remote communities in surguja district of chhattisgarh where women from villages will be trained on solar maintenance and electrification process-SWRC, Tiloniya
  • Project Internet Sathi- Phia Foundation
  • Livelihood security and enhancement-GGF
  • Addressing the Challenges Faced by the Marginalised Community during Covid19 Lockdown in Surguja District-UNDP
  • Ensuring livelihood security for the primitive tribes in Chhattisgarh- Oxfam India
  • Building ownership and momentum in chhattisgarh for effective implementation of SDG 2 target 2.2 and WHA nutrition targets- NFI
  • Development Initiative in Chhattisgarh- Churches Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)
  • The effects of demography and migration on cooperation and competition- University of Exeter
  • Livelihood and education of PVTGs- Foundation Devenir Solidaire
  • Digital Night School- Barefoot College
  • Livelihood Security and enhancement- Global Green Grants Fund (GGF)
  • Piloting Strategies of NGGB and Van Mitan-CFR for diversification of livelihoods of Vulnerable households through leveraging of MNREGA and Convergence in a cluster of GPs of Surguja district of Chhattisgarh- United Nations Dvelopment Programme (UNDP)